Complete solution for Companies and Team Building Actions

Communication is one of the main bases for the operation of companies. It can be considered a strategy to help publicize the image of an organization, company or brand. Good communication facilitates the connection between the elements of the different teams in a company and the cases of our brand can help in its promotion. Each case promotes skills such as:

 Expression ability




 Reasoning and deduction processes

 Development of interpretation, reasoning and deduction skills

For teams to be productive and achieve their goals in uniformity, they need to stay interconnected with each other. OneCrimeStory™ also allows the improvement of all companies' social relations through its product. Therefore, each case promotes:

 Organization and Cooperation

 Task division and coordination

 Exploring and associating ideas

 Alignment towards a common goal

 Teamwork and performance enhancement

 Focus & Concentration

Nowadays, team building actions are increasingly carried out to re-establish or develop relationships in a business context. One of the main objectives of our cases is to use them as a resource for team building actions. In this way, each case promotes:

 Healthy competition



 Escape from work pressure by increasing mental health

 Frustration resistance